Fertility Smoothie S/S Cycle

For those of you who have been following… I switched my seed cycle with the full moon on Sunday. Now I will be taking out the flax and pumpkin seeds and replacing them in my morning fertility smoothie with sunflower and sesame seeds. I also chose to take out the pineapple sage and replace it with a few raspberries (its more pink and it seems like the flavors all work well together to me). I am a no-nonsense person when it comes to recipe posts and I hate having to scroll to get to the good stuff so….

Sunflower and Sesame Seed Cycle Fertility Smoothie


  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 2-3 pieces of pineapple
  • 5-6 red raspberries or blackberries
  • 2 TBS of your seed cycle mix (pre-grind your seeds in your coffee grinder)
  • Oatmilk (I like the Silk and Chobani brands)
  • 1 scoop Orgain Organic Vanilla Vegan Protein Powder
  • 4-6 fresh spearmint leaves (check out my podcast episode on how spearmint can benefit women with PCOS)

Put it all in the blender and enjoy!

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